So what else would you like to know?

We’re from Indiana. Mike’s from the very southern tip. Right on the river.

Ryan grew up on a hog farm closer to Chicago. You’ve flown over it.

We lived across the hall from each other in a dorm at Indiana University. Used to flip through CA on a couch Ryan rescued from someone’s porch.

We have three daughters between us. 9, 11, and 16. Mike had to deliver his kid in his apartment bathroom. Ask him about it. Wild scene.

Been in NYC for 20 years now.

We write and design ads, brand platforms, digital experiences built on data and real human emotion, and organic social posts people actually click on. (And the agency actually makes money on.) We wrote the first and last ads for IBM’s Smarter Planet. We’ve built brands from scratch. We’ve won Lions, Pencils, Effies, and earned a Guinness World Record. And we win new business – 14 wins in 16 years.

We help clients do things they couldn’t do a year ago. Like moving from television to digital to branded content to experience. Showing how brand and demand can make each other stronger. And achieving better earned media than paid.

We help our clients get raises. And promotions. And onto the Lumière Stage at Cannes.

That’s better than any award.

We’ve built three creative groups. Split evenly male and female. Half internationals.

And we’re in the foxhole with them. Sleeves rolled up. Leading by doing. By example.

We encourage underperforming team members to seek other opportunities. And we champion those with true talent.

Our people go on to be leaders at Droga5, Goodby, Chiat, Apple, Wieden, Facebook, Anomaly, Martin, Google, 72 and Sunny, BBDO, and more.

We try to leave every client, agency, and team better than we found it.